Sowing Seeds


Today we walked to Ffrydd Road in Knighton and helped the community by scattering seeds on the bank. Hopefully, we will see some beautiful flowers growing there in the warmer weather.

Stem Kitchen in Y5 and Y6

On Wednesday 9th October we enjoyed our ‘Stem Science’ day as a school.  In Year 5 and Year 6 we carried out some investigations from ‘Stem Kitchen’- they were great fun!  Our focus was ‘Materials and their Properties’.


Physical Literacy

Hwyaid Bach have been using their physical skills even more today.

We started by doing a few stretches to warm-up our bodies. Then we used coloured scarves and moved our bodies to music; ‘Busy Feet’.

We acted like a variety of animals.

Science STEM Morning

The children thoroughly enjoyed looking at ‘Seasonal Change’. We focused on rainfall and decided to make ‘Rain gauges’. we place two in the Quad area and two in the car park.

The children have had a fantastic time over the last three days monitoring the rainfall. With today’s rainfall, we had to measure the water using two measuring jugs as it was too much to fit into one.

Science Stem Morning

The pupils had a wonderful time exploring electricity. They learned how to make a circuit, lighting a bulb and making a buzzer buzz.  “This is the best thing I have ever done!” said one of the children! 

Science STEM!

We have had a fantastic morning working outdoors.  We have been investigating the mini-beasts that live in the school grounds.  We started off the morning going on a mini-beast hunt, then we constructed a bar graph to show the different mini-beasts that live in the school grounds.

We then discussed the habitats that different mini-beast live and decided to construct a bug hotel!  We thought carefully about the natural materials that we would need to collect, and in groups we constructed our hotels.

Playful Play!

Y5 children have had an amazing few sessions with Ben Webb, learning about ‘Playful Play’ and children’s rights.

They now have the skills to lead play within the playground as ‘Play Leaders’ 🙂

We thoroughly enjoyed our Literacy Enrichment morning in KS2!