We have enjoyed researching about the war and evacuees! The children are very interested and eager to learn more.

Knighton Church in Wales Primary School
Caru Duw, Caru Pawb, Caru Dysgu
Children in Jac-Y-Do and Gwennol met Daisy at the train station in Knighton. Daisy was an evacuee and she had just arrived in Knighton from Liverpool. She had been sent to Knighton during World War 2 to keep her safe from the German bombing in Liverpool.
The children will be studying the theme of the journeys made by evacuees to Knighton during World War 2 through the Mantle of the Expert approach to the new curriculum.
Miss Rees and Mrs Fielding would be very interested in hearing from you if you have any information regarding evacuees during World War 2. Their email addresses are:
Mrs Fielding – MorrisJ313@hwbcymru.net
Miss Rees – reesl544@hwbcymru.net
Children in Gwennol and Jac Y Do were commissioned to make music using everyday items. The children worked in groups for their compositions. Some groups used items from around the classroom and put them to a different use, whilst other groups used junk materials to make their own instruments. Enterprising, creative contributors.
Children enjoyed using their Welsh language skills to practise their colours and using their incidental Welsh when asking for things during their colouring sessions. They also were able to follow a recipe in Welsh to make some delicious honey flapjacks! Bendigedig! Ambitious, capable learners.