Research, research, research!

Dosbarth Gwennol and Dosbarth Jac Y do were visited this morning by Mrs Rimmer. She thanked us for our letters that we wrote asking her for more bins. She also asked us to help her as she didn’t know much information about plastic pollution. We discussed how we could find information and we decided to use our reading skills to research using the Internet, information sheets and books.

Junk Modelling

Captain Green wanted us to ‘use things again’. So, in groups, we created models using junk materials.

Digital Camera

Worship Council Meetings

Worship Council met for the first time this academic year. They have created an action plan for the whole school for the year which they will monitor and they produced posters for each class displaying our core Christian values. Our value for this half term in ‘kindness’

Digital Camera

Gwennol's small steps to saving the planet!

Dosbarth Gwennol are helping Captain Green clear up rubbish so they took part in a litter pick on the school grounds!

Gwennol Forest School Session 6

During our final session the children enjoyed ligthing a camfire. After a safety discussion children were asked to collect a variety of tinder and kindling for their fire.

We then began to prepare our fire.

Once our fire was lit we started to prepare our marshmallows ready to toast whilst also fuelling our fire to keep it lit!

Gwennol Forest School Session 5

Nature Friends were invited to create a habitat for the fauna that call our forest school ‘home’. They thought carefully about all of the things that the insects would need and set about creating their habitats.

The Howlers were also thinking about our natural environment in our forest school area and they were invited to follow their interests and identify some of the flora in our area.

Visitors from Palestine

On Wednesday we welcomed our friends from Palestine who are visiting Wales. We have been virtually talking to their school for over 2 years and it was lovely to see them in person. We talked about Wales and they brought lots of things from Palestine to show us.