Week 5 - 15/5/2020

This week work is clearly differentiated. With the maths, you need to choose the level that your child works on in school, which are attached below. This week Iaith is based on reading skills, you’ll need different resources dependant on your child’s grouping for reading. They should know this but please message me if they have forgotten!

Planning sheet: Week 5


Green:  Green Maths

Blue: Blue Maths

Red: Red Maths

IaithMonday and Tuesday

Green: Comprehension-Rainforest-Creatures-Easy

Blue: Comprehension-Rainforest-Creatures-Tricky

Red: Comprehension-Rainforest-Creatures-Expert

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Green: Bang-Whizz-

Blue and Red:  Red Book

Science: ca-sc-18-precipitation-experiment-activity-sheet_ver_1  and  ca-sc-17-precipitation-experiment-stepbystep-instructions_ver_1 

Welsh:Y Traeth