Home Learning Week Beginning 20/4/20

Week Beginning: 20/4/2020

Differentiation: Your child will know which group they are in; red, green or blue. This differs for different subjects so please make sure your child is working on the correct worksheet. Please feel free to give them a harder level if they need the challenge. Different websites have varying ways of showing differentiation.

Twinkl worksheets have stars, 1 star is green level, 2 star is blue level and 3 star is red.

Classroom Secrets go by developing (green), expected (blue) and greater depth (red).

If your child has forgotten their group please message me to ask.

Iaith x4

Please continue to read 4 times a week. The iaith work will be split into four categories. Please follow the links below to find the work. All of these can be done on paper rather than having to print them off.

Homophones 1

Homophones 2

Homophones 3



Vocabulary: I would like you to play a Pictionary game, the topic is inspirational people. Please take a picture and upload to Facebook or teams.


Please continue to play TT Rockstars or practice your time tables in your homework books.

Subject this week: Multiplication.

Use a multiplication grid to help you. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/T-N-017-Multiplication-Square

Interactive games to play: 

Times Tables: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Maths Frame: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/category/7/multiplication-and-division

Green’s: Please practice the grid method using these sheets https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/multiplication-grid-method-worksheets-t2-m-1600.

Blue’s: Ladder method – Expected.

Red’s: Greater Depth

Year-4-Spring-Block-1-Step-7-VF-Multiply-3-Digits-by-1-Digit – Varied Fluency

Year-4-Spring-Block-1-Step-7-RPS-Multiply-3-Digits-by-1-Digit – Problem solving 

Year 5 Work: https://classroomsecrets.co.uk/free-multiply-4-digits-by-1-digit-homework-extension-year-5-multiplication-and-division/

Word Problems: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t2-m-2493-ks2-multiplication-word-problems-resource-pack

Topic Task

Follow the instructions below to watch the PowerPoint. If you don’t have access to the PowerPoint, the task is to choose 3-4 inspirational people to you.  Name them, what they do and why they are inspirational to you. You can write this anyway you like, a mind map, on powerpoint or on a word document.

Go on Hwb>Office 365>Teams>Files>Topic.

Sharing work with Miss Edwards

If you’d like to know how to send these back to me, either do it by email, take a picture and upload to Facebook, do the work on Hwb>Office 365>Do the work on Word or Powerpoint>File>Share>EdwardsS490@Hwbcymru.net or upload it to Teams through Office 365> Files.

Any questions please message Miss Edwards.