Cardiff trip _ Trip Caerdydd

Aethon ni i Gaerdydd. Aethon ni i Big Pit, St. Fagan’s, ar y speedboat, i’r Senedd, bowlio-deg, Techniquest ac Aberfan Memorial Garden.

We learned about the history of Wales. Some of us stayed away from home for the first time. We had to organise ourselves and our belongings. We had to share a room with other people. We persevered even when something was tough or tiring. Some of us had to be brave.

Caswon ni lawer o hwyl. We had lots of fun and the behaviour of our pupils was excellent!

A huge ‘thank you’ goes to each of the following for their generous donations: the Blakemore Foundation for their contribution towards our visit to Techniquest, to the Senedd for a grant towards our travel costs and to our Friends of School committee who enabled us to enjoy the speedboat! Diolch yn fawr iawn!