Science/ Gwyddoniaeth

Year 2 and 3 have been looking at forces and magnets in Science. They carried out an investigation to test the amount of friction on different surfaces.


We worked hard to follow instructions and create some bots on some new Lego coding kits. We found this hard work ,but great perseverance and problem solving skills were demonstrated!

Earth Artwork!

Year 2 and 3 have worked hard to create a piece of artwork depicting one of the Elements, Earth. Da iawn pawb!

Shwmae Shwmae Day!

Year 2 and 3 enjoyed celebrating Shwmae Shwmae day! We looked at Welsh singers and started learning the Welsh National Anthem, we drew pictures of Welsh landmarks, played some Welsh yard games, and Welsh Bingo!

Eco Council 2023-2024

Meet our new eco council 2023-2024!

We have found out that after our recent Eco renewal inspection, we have achieved our renewal for Platinum Award Eco Schools. We are all very happy about this and want to say a big thankyou to everyone for their hard work.

Life as a Roman!

We travelled to Stourport on Seven to explore a day in the life as a roman! We performed in the amphitheatre, we made roman roads, built our own shelters and found out lots more! We all enjoyed ourselves very much and can’t wait to continue our Mantle topic work on Romans.

Staying Safe!

PC Ainsworth visited Year 2 and 3 to talk about playing safely. The children came up with good ideas on how they could stay safe, and what to do when they need help.

Dai Woolridge!

We were so lucky that the Worship Council has organised for Dai Woolridge to visit us in school! We had great fun working with Dai. He is a spoken word poet, story teller, and children’s author. He shared some of his poems and books with us. We then created our own poems around an animal we liked.

Cross Country Certificates!

We have finally received our cross country certificates. The children in Year 3 did so well, all getting a participation certificate, and the boys won 1st place in the teams, and got a medal. Da iawn pawb!

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