Marvin Mouse Flies to the Moon

Today we each made a Marvin Mouse and flew him as far as we could using our milk bottle rocket. Here we are with the mice that we made. We launched the mice, measured how far they travelled and recorded our results.

Problem Solving\ Datrys Problemau

We used our mathematical problem solving skills to solve a problem where we used our building skills to build houses in different ways. There always had to be two bricks (rooms) on the bottom and the same number of bricks each time.

Outdoor Learning

Today we played leaf snap. We collected leaves and then used our observation skills to shout snap when we saw similarities.


Reception/Year One have been thinking about forgiveness and the need to say sorry. Here, they have drawn pictures to show people damaging our planet, saying sorry, and being forgiven.

The Solar System/Gofod

Today, we enjoyed using paper mache to create the eight planets of the solar system. We can’t wait to paint them next week!

RE-A Friend to Earth

After listening to the story of Jesus choosing his disciples, we discussed friendship and how we could be a friend to planet Earth. You can see above the children had some great ideas!

Building Bridges

As part of work on ‘Forgiveness’ we discussed that ‘building bridges’ is important and helps us to resolve friendship issues. We then went on to build physical bridges. We saw great problem solving, resilience and team work.