Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Da iawn pawb!!


We have been discussing our emotions and relating it to different colours.

Today, we made a colour rainbow and talked about things we can do to help us when we are feeling sad, anxious and angry.

Great teamwork!

Outdoor Projects 2024!

We are improving our outdoor provision and are very excited to see how the ‘quad’ area and area outside our specialist centre are being transformed! We will keep you updated on progress over the next few weeks!

Thank you Mrs Scotford

Mrs Scotford has been very busy crocheting us a Meg and Mog story set. Today, we enjoyed using them to retell our favourite Meg nd Mog stories.

We have had a wonderful time in P.E. using teamwork to travel around the gym.

Well Done Everyone!

Dathliad Cymraeg

The whole school have worked extremely hard to make Dydd Dathliad Cymraeg a huge success. The children’s attitude to the competitions and ’round robin’ of activities have been exceptional. Excellent performances by all classes delivering a Welsh song. Well done to all of our competition winners and all children for participating in the competitions.


Out and About!

We enjoyed another trip to the supermarket to practice our money handling skills and asking for help.

Can you guess what we are going to do this week?