Bake Off!

Barcud Coch decided they wanted to spend their end-of-term treat money on ingredients for a Bake Off. We went shopping on Monday for the ingredients of 6 different bakes, on Wednesday pupils worked independently in their groups to bake and on Friday they were sampled and enjoyed with a film!
Which do you think looked best?

The most popular were the brownies, cheesecake and cookies!!! Roedd y cacennau yn flasus iawn!

The Hunger Games Leavers Style

Today the Year 6s enjoyed their idea of the Hunger Games, brought to life to Mr Evans-Williams! Dens were built, opponents chosen and battles were won and lost! Cawson nhw hwyl!

Fun Day/Dydd Hwyl!

Thank you to our Friends of the School for an exciting morning. We loved the bouncy castles and the water play! Diolch!

Expressive Arts - At the Beach

We have read the story At the Beach by Roland Harvey and looked at pictures of Tenby coastline.

We planned out paintings first, before experimenting with rollers, paint and pens to create our seaside pictures. They are works in progress.


As part of the museum’s guide book in our Mantle of the Expert, we were challenged to create simple algorithms to guide Beebots around the tomb of Tutankhamun.