History Detectives!

We enjoyed spending a lovely afternoon at St. Edward’s Church being ‘History Detectives’. We investigated and recorded data from the headstones and we even had the opportunity to look at some of the church records from over 300 years ago!

School Values

Work with Jody, from Stoneglass Windows, has started on our school mosaic, which has been funded by a grant from the Church Mission Fund. Each class created a design based on our school values, and Jody has collated them into one whole-school design. Our value was compassion.

Forest School

Well done to all Year 2 children that took part in our Forest School session today. It was a challenge finding dry fuel in our fire but the children were an absolute credit and worked well as a team to ensure we enjoyed a healthy treat at the end of the session.

Forest School

We had a fabulous Forest School session playing lots of recall games to develop our listening skills and the children thought of lots of interesting rules for our Forest School to ensure that we stay safe and have lots of fun!

Pentabus Day

Throughout the day we thought a lot about keep sakes and how refugee children take these with them when having to leave their homes. We thought about the journeys refugees have to make and how they might feel when they arrive in a new country. By the end of the day we had created a performance to share with our parents during our class assembly.

School of Sanctuary