Show Racism the Red Card

Here are some of the Year 2 entries for the National Red Card Health & Well-being Competition. All of the children have worked really hard on their entries. Pob lwc Pawb!

A place of Sanctuary

During Assembly on Monday we celebrated being appraised as a School of Sanctuary. Members of the appraisal team commented “It was such a pleasure to spend time with your pupils and hear about their learning. They are an absolute credit to you and clearly demonstrate what a warm and welcoming place Knighton School is”. They also added “Pupil voice in school is clearly very well embedded through your variety of councils and they feel empowered to make changes.” We are all very proud.

Forest School

We have had a fabulous Forest School session today focusing on team building. Da iawn Pawb!

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners last week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!

Human Rights Day

Year 6 studied a scene depicting a very busy every-day scene. They had to look for rights being enjoyed, being requested and being denied. We later looked through all of the human rights and had to choose some to diamond rank. Our concluding thoughts were that the type of life someone has lived will affect which human rights they consider to be the most important. They also queried whether soldiers were free… .