Caerdydd 2025!

Year 6 enjoyed a busy 3 days exploring Cardiff and some surrounding areas. We learned about some of the history of Wales, about our parliament and had some fun down on the bay too! Diolch to all of our hosts and to our Friends of School and The Blakemore Foundation who both made contributions towards our school trip.

Safer Internet day 2025

Protecting Yourself and Others from Scams Online

Today, the school E-safety Committee, along with Mrs Blower, led an assembly to introduce Internet Safety day. The focus is protecting yourself and others from online scams. We discussed what a scam is and what you should do if you think you are being scammed.

Forest School

We had a super Forest School session yesterday. Pupils were invited to build shelters and they really developed their problem solving and team building skills. Da iawn Pawb!

Pyjama Drama

In Pyjama Drama we listened to the story of โ€˜The Cat in the Hatโ€™ and then we acted parts of the story. After the session we enjoyed some parachute games.

Forest School

We have had a fabulous Forest School session today focusing on team building. Da iawn Pawb!

Circus Skills

We love our Circus Skills sessions with Peter Duncan. Learning circus skills provides a wide range of benefits to the participant โ€“ increased attention span and focus, personal and social growth, mental and emotional health โ€“ all the while within a non-competitive and fun atmosphere.

Animation With Jim

We had a great time with Jim today, learning to use the ‘Stop Motion’ App to create our animations, firstly of our names and then with ‘Tiddler’ characters.