Safer Internet day 2025

Protecting Yourself and Others from Scams Online

Today, the school E-safety Committee, along with Mrs Blower, led an assembly to introduce Internet Safety day. The focus is protecting yourself and others from online scams. We discussed what a scam is and what you should do if you think you are being scammed.


This week we are learning about instructions. We used our listening and reading skills to follow instructions to make a snake bookmark. We discussed the features of instructions and used the photographs to help us.

Animation with Jim Elliot

We had a fantastic day with Jim making ‘Stop Motion Amination.’ Firstly, we used our names and we used a special machine to cut out the letters of our name. Secondly, we the story of The Gruffalo to make an exciting animation.

Circus Skills

We love our Circus Skills sessions with Peter Duncan. Learning circus skills provides a wide range of benefits to the participant – increased attention span and focus, personal and social growth, mental and emotional health – all the while within a non-competitive and fun atmosphere.

Story Telling with Sharon

We have been working with Sharon to create a story about the ‘Goodlands’ and ‘Badlands’. We have started by looking at the structure of a story and then in groups we created our own settings for our stories. We also acted out what it would be like to live in our ‘Goodlands’.

Outdoor Learning!

We took our digital coding skills outdoors and created a maze/track for our classmates to use coding instructions and lead each other around the maze with their eyes closed! We used instructions like, ‘turn 90degrees right’ ‘take 3 small steps forward’. We looked at the importance of detailed instructions.

St David’s Day celebration practise

Today Judith volunteered her time to help some of our pupils who will be helping to celebrate St David’s day in the community on Sunday 2nd March. They learned a song and began a Twmpath to the tune of ‘Mi welais Jac y do’. They were fantastic, da iawn bawb!