Cnoc-y-coed Year 4 Mrs Watts class (Friday)

Hope you are all enjoying some time in the snow! Here is some work for today:

Follow this link to some Maths work linked to writing numbers in words.

Write about something you have been doing in the snow, using Word on HWB and share the document with me.

Make sure you do some reading and record that in your reading record.

Today we would normally have Amser Arian so do something you are allowed to do and that you will enjoy. You could always send me a photo of this through your HWB email.

Have fun and take care.

Year 5 and 6. Aderyn Du and Barcud Coch.

Emile maths work.


Practice going through your script and begin to look at costume ideas.

If you have any materials, begin to make some props/scenery.

Practice the songs for the production.

Barcud Coch- have a think about choreography for the dance off.

Year 2 Gwennol

Complete what you can of the following activities:

Reading – Please listen to your child read and sign the yellow reading record.

Minute Maths

Time Homework Worksheets

Spellings – Spellings are in the purple book. Please use this as an opportunity to practise your handwriting by using the spelling words in a correctly punctuated sentence.

Maths – Differentiated worksheets below. Your child WILL know what group they are in for Maths.


  1. Practise writing your name in your very best writing.
  2. Read your reading book with a grown up.
  3. Make a repeating pattern-you could use crayons or items from around your home (E.g. knife, fork, spoon, knife, fork, spoon…..)
  4. Practise writing your numbers to 10. Get enough objects to match each number. (E.g. one teddy, two pens etc.)
  5. Draw a picture of something that begins with a s, a, t and p. Can you write what it is?

Year One

  1. Draw a picture of yourself and write three sentences about you.
  2. Practise writing numbers from one to twenty.
  3. Find ten objects. How many ways can you split them into two groups. Try thirteen.
  4. a number game
  5. Practise your spellings.
  6. Read your reading book with a grown up.

Dosbarth Gwennol Home Learning – Friday 7th January 2022

Happy New Year! Welcome back to the start of a new term and new year, as Friday 7th January is a confirmed home schooling day, here are a few activities that I would like your child to complete and email pictures of their work to me.

Activity 1 – Maths – Time – Can you recite all of the months of the year? Check with an adult to see that you have included them all.

Write a list of each of the months of the year and key events that occur in those months to help you to remember them.  For example…

January – 10th Jane’s birthday

February – 1st Chinese New Year

14th St Valentines Day

18th Comic Relief

and so on…..

Activity 2 Literacy – Writing – To write a report detailing what you had for Christmas.  You can write about your favourite present in detail or a paragraph describing each present.  Suggested things to include in your report – a description of your present (s), what does it look, feel, smell, sound or taste like, who gave it to you and why it is so special.  You may also wish to draw a picture of your present.

Activity 3 – New Year Resolutions – At the start of the new year people like to make ‘resolutions’ or goals that they would like to set for themselves.  Think of five goals that you would like to achieve in 2022.  Write them in a list and explain how you are going to try and achieve them.  For example…

Goal 1 – Become a better reader – I am going to go on Nessy for 10 minutes each day.

My email address is


Mrs Fielding



Please go to our Y5/Y6 TEAMS chat on Hwb to access the work that we would like you to complete on Friday 7th January for home learning.  Don’t forget to go on Emile and TT Rockstars to practise your tables, and Nessy to practise your spelling please!

Reading records will need to have 8 signatures in them when you return to school- if you have left your reading record at school then please make sure that you write down what you have read on a piece of paper and ask a grown up to sign to say that you have completed your reading each time.

Friday 7th January 2022-Reception/Year 1 Blended Learning

Nessy and Emile

Play some games on Nessy and Emile to practise your reading, spelling and number skills. Logins are in your home readers and instructions were sent home last term and are on the website under your child’s class.


Look at your reading books that were sent home at the end of term. Please remember to comment in the reading record.

Name Writing

If your child is unable to write their name, this could be practised in felt tip pen, outside with a brush and water or paint on paper.


Practise forming your numbers correctly.  Can you put the correct number of objects by each number? Can year ones go up to 20?

Play some of the above counting games.

Favourite Christmas Present

Draw a picture of your favourite Christmas gift and colour it in. Can you label what it is? For some this will be mark making. Can you write why you like it so much.



Foundation Phase Blended Learning

Foundation Phase

If you are unable to come to school for COVID-related reasons, please complete this work and email it to us.

Mrs Evans Hwyaid Bach

Mrs Blower Eryr

Mrs Fielding Gwennol

This work can also be completed if our class bubble has to be closed. More work will be posted within 72 hours of the closure.

Mathematics and Numeracy

  • Collect a range of different sized sticks in your garden.  Can you measure them in standard units such as centimetres? Can you measure them in non-standard units i.e using pieces of pasta to measure?
  • Can you draw around your hand? Pretend it’s the giant’s hand.  Estimate how many kidney beans the giant could fit on his hand?
  • Can you log on to TTRockstars and practise your times tables?
  • Can you practice writing your number formation 1-20?
  • Can you learn your number bonds to 10? I.e. 0+10=10, 1+9=10, 2+8=10, 3+7=10, 4+6=10, 5+5=10, 6+4=10 etc.

Language, Literacy and Communication

  • Write a diary – think about what it may be like to be a giant for the day.  What would you do? Who do you live with? How might being a giant be different to being a child?
  • Draw a picture of Jack and colour it in neatly.  Think of as many different adjectives (describing words) as you can to describe Jack and write them down.  Can you do the same for the giant? How are they similar and how are they different?
  • Questionnaire – Think of questions that you would like to ask the giant if you were to meet him.  Write each of your questions down or maybe an adult could scribe them for you.  Don’t forget to use a capital letter to start your question and a question mark.


  • Create a map of Jack’s village, where the house was, the market and the beanstalk.
  • Could you also create a map for the land of the giant and include your own key features.

Expressive Arts

  • Create  your own beanstalk.  It could be a painting, a collage or even a model.  Be as creative as you can!

Health and Well-being

  • Play a board game with a member of your family.  Maybe you could create your own game?


If you are unable to come to school for COVID-related reasons, please complete this work and email it to us.

Science work:

All other year 4 work:

All other year 3

This work can also be completed if our class bubble has to be closed. More work will be posted within 72 hours of the closure.

ICT (Computers) Lost in Space

Well-Being wellbeing-journal-2 wellbeing-journal-3

Spellings – use these strategies to spell the words.  Spellings      t2-e-2206-year-3-and-4-word-list-checklist_ver_2

Welsh 02(i) Learn the Story & Actions



Children to also practise times tables and log into Emile online.








Children to also log into Nessy!


Foundation Phase

If you are unable to come to school due to COVID 19 please complete some of these activities and email work to your child’s class teacher.

  • Can you write a similar story about a ‘very hungry’ animal? What happens to it?
  • Retell the story from the point of view of the caterpillar. Why was it so hungry? How did it feel after eating so much?
  • Can you use alliteration to describe some of the food that are eaten? (e.g. lovely lollipops, scrumptious strawberries).
  • Read the story and try to retell it to a friend. Can you remember all of the food that was eaten, in the correct order?
  • Use Venn / Carroll diagrams to sort the foods that the caterpillar eats.
  • Count the total number of foods that were eaten by the caterpillar. How many of these were fruit / vegetable / contained meat etc?
  • Sort the foods that the caterpillar eats, in different ways. Which ones are healthy / unhealthy? Which are processed / unprocessed?
  • Think of a healthy / unhealthy meal for another hungry caterpillar.
  • Find out about the life cycles of caterpillars / butterflies. Find out about the life cycles of other animals.
  • Learn about metamorphosis. Find out about other animals who undergo metamorphosis.
  • Create a collage of a big, fat caterpillar!
  • Create another collage showing the beautiful butterfly.
  • Look at photographs of butterflies and paint your own. You could try folding a piece of paper in half and painting one half of a butterfly on one side. Then fold the paper over, press it down and open it out to reveal the full butterfly.
  • Welsh Language – Can you play the attached game? Activity 2(i) Dice game

Many thanks