Da iawn to the children for their wonderful creations. It was hard to judge as they all looked great and it was clear that a lot of effort had gone into creating them.
The winner is……Lola Tongue for her wonderful eco warrior egg!

Knighton Church in Wales Primary School
Caru Duw, Caru Pawb, Caru Dysgu
Emile maths work.
Practice going through your script and begin to look at costume ideas.
If you have any materials, begin to make some props/scenery.
Practice the songs for the production.
Barcud Coch- have a think about choreography for the dance off.
Emile maths work.
Practice going through your script and begin to look at costume ideas.
If you have any materials, begin to make some props/scenery.
Practice the songs for the production.
Barcud Coch- have a think about choreography for the dance off.
Year five and six had a go at a simple orienteering task. They went outside to look for letters on the field. They marked this on their maps and then came back inside to work out the coordinates and then worked out the word.
It was a challenging activity- particularly when it started to rain and their maps got wet!