Weekly Timetable

Weekly timetable

Planning can be found on the webiste or on Hwb.

For the children whom have lessons with Mrs Warner, Miss Lowe and Mrs Mortimer in the morning (Year 3-Year 6).


Complete the set Maths and Iaith/Literacy activity approximately 20-30 mins each.

PE – Joe Wicks PE on YouTube or 20-30 mins physical exercise. You could ride your bike, play football, bounce on a trampoline, go for a walk or play outside.

10-15 mins Reading

If appropriate -10 mins Phonics play – registration is free Phonicsplay.co.uk – phase 3-5. The children enjoy playing the games.

10 mins Mental Maths on Topmarks. The children enjoy hit the button and the Maths train.

Please complete these once per week:

Spelling Activity (link on school website)
Reading Comprehension Activity (link on school website)

In the afternoon please follow your class timetable and activities.

Foundation stage

You will follow your class timetable in a morning and then complete the daily afternoon challenge.