Outdoor Projects 2024!

We are improving our outdoor provision and are very excited to see how the ‘quad’ area and area outside our specialist centre are being transformed! We will keep you updated on progress over the next few weeks!

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ADERYN DU P4C (Philosophy for Children session)

We enjoyed playing ‘Shuffleswap’ as a warm up game:-

‘Does the universe go on forever?’, ‘Sharks or crocodiles?’, ‘Christmas or birthdays?’, ‘Is it better for a lamb to live a short life and then be eaten, or not live in the first place?’, ‘UK or Australia?’

We then looked at ‘The Painting We couldn’t Ignore’ (‘An experiment on a bird in the air pump’) and discussed how making progress (technology and medicine) can often be controversial- tests and experiments on animals and humans.

Lunchtime activities.

Some of the year 5 and 6 children have been making the most of the nice weather and have been helping to dig steps out on the field.

Parent/Carer Questionnaire feedback Spring 2023

Thank you to everyone that completed the parent/carer questionnaire that was sent out at the beginning of the term. We very much value your feedback- thank you for all the positive comments that have been provided and for those comments that will help us to make our school environment and culture even better for all stakeholders.

QuestionVery PoorPoorOkayGoodVery Good
How good is our school at making your child feel happy and safe?1% (1)0%3% (3)22% (20)73% (66)
How good is our school at helping your child with their learning; providing sufficient support and challenge to help them do well?0%0%  4% (4)38% (34)58% (52)
How good is our school at encouraging your child to be healthy and to take regular exercise? *1 no answer0%0%6% (5)28% (25)66% (59)
How good is our school at providing ways of helping you communicate with staff?0%1% (1)11% (10)  30% (27)58% (52)
How good is our school at helping to develop wellbeing and positive behaviour in your class? *1 no answer0%0%4% (4)29% (26)66% (59)
How good is our school at developing values and attitudes that have a positive impact on your child’s learning? *1 no answer0%0%7% (6)26% (23)67% (60)

SPRING 2023 (90 parent/carer questionnaires returned)