We have had a wonderful time in P.E. using teamwork to travel around the gym.

Well Done Everyone!

Owls and Other Nocturnal Animals

We have been extremely busy researching and learning about owls and other nocturnal animals. The children have written amazing kenning poems.

Examples –

The Owl

Feathers – Swooping

Eyes – Hunting

Wings – Beating

The Owl

Feathers – Soaring

Eyes – Hunting

Claws – Clashing

Wings – Gliding

Wonderful Worms!

We have been learning about worms and their habitats.

We have made some wonderful worms out of socks!

Leaf Rubbings

The children have been focusing on the work of Henri Rousseau and have created some wonderful leaf rubbings.

Wind Chimes Using Recycled Objects

The children have used unwanted metal objects to create their amazing wind chimes.

They investigated the sound that different instruments make. Then thoughtfully arranged the recycled objects so that they would knock against each other and make relaxing and enjoyable sounds.